// ==UserScript== // @name Bing beautification // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 2.7.14 // @description 美化必应搜索页面 // @author Onion // @require https://cdn.staticfile.org/jquery/3.4.0/jquery.min.js // @require https://cdn.staticfile.org/jquery-cookie/1.4.1/jquery.cookie.min.js // @match *://*.cn.bing.com/* // @match *://*.bing.com/* // @match *://*.baidu.com/* // @icon https://gitee.com/onion-big/gitstore/raw/main/js/jpg/beautify.png // @license MPL2.0 // @grant GM_notification // @run-at start // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/453994-bing-beautification-store/code/Bing%20beautification%20store.js window.addEventListener('error', ()=>{ console.log('addEventListener') }, true); //bing域名 if (window.location.href.indexOf("cn.bing.com/search") > -1) { //config var picArr = new Array picArr = [ //bing每日壁纸 索引号0 "https://bing.biturl.top/?resolution=1920&format=image&index=0&mkt=zh-CN",//动态每日壁纸 "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.NationalDay2022_ZH-CN3861603311_1920x1080.jpg", "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.BridgeofSighs_ZH-CN5414607871_1920x1080.jpg", //Wallpaper Abyss壁纸 索引号3 "https://images4.alphacoders.com/171/171916.jpg", "https://images5.alphacoders.com/613/613927.jpg", "https://images2.alphacoders.com/606/606275.jpg", "https://images2.alphacoders.com/742/742320.png", //添加你自己的壁纸...... 索引号7 "https://dogefs.s3.ladydaily.com/~/source/wallhaven/full/8o/wallhaven-8o2dpj.png?w=2560&fmt=webp", "https://bing.biturl.top/?resolution=1920&format=image&index=0&mkt=zh-CN" ] //全局图片 function fullPicSet() { //document.querySelector("html").style.background = `url(${$.cookie('picUrl')}) 0% 0% / 111% no-repeat fixed` document.querySelector("html").style.background = `url(${$.cookie('picUrl')}) 0 / cover fixed` } function reset_all() { $.cookie('blurDeg', "blur(13px)", { expires: 31 }) $.cookie('aDeg1', "53", { expires: 31 }) $.cookie('aDeg2', "7c", { expires: 31 }) $.cookie('picUrl', "https://bing.com/th?id=OHR.NationalDay2022_ZH-CN3861603311_1920x1080.jpg", { expires: 31 }) } if ($.cookie('blurDeg') === undefined || $.cookie('picUrl') === undefined || $.cookie('aDeg1') === undefined || $.cookie('aDeg1') === undefined) { reset_all() alert("欢迎,数值设置格式请看控制台!") } if ($.cookie('blurDeg') === "" || $.cookie('picUrl') === "" || $.cookie('aDeg1') === "" || $.cookie('aDeg2') === "") { reset_all() alert("欢迎,数值设置格式请看控制台!") } console.log("模糊度的范围从0到1000(纯数字),例如:15") console.log("透明度的范围从00到fc(16进制),例如:ac") console.log("图片url网址链接,你可以自己找,或者挂到GitHub上生成链接") console.log("低配机子请设置模糊度为0") //选择器 var searchBox = document.getElementsByClassName("b_searchbox")[0]; 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模糊度(1~100)图片模式 X
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